Monday, January 25, 2010

CBC The National 25/01/2010: Heart Stroke Foundation a perfect storm

This little news item is so indicative of the folly of believing that the Government is looking out for our interests, that I had to write about it.

It seems like there is coming a huge crisis in health care due to a convergence of demographic and health factors. Young Canadians, old Canadians, female Canadians, those whose diets are under the benevolent care of "The Nanny State" are a burgeoning problem in the making. These non, EVER YOUNGER psychedelic using, beer swilling, Fast food addicts who are couch bound and non protesting, non thinking, complying drones are in for heart disease in a big way.

It turns out the government didn't have their best health AS A PRIORITY when they allowed these addictive deadly substances to be marketed from fast food outlets everywhere TO EVER YOUNGER CHILDREN WITHOUT RESTRICTION.

Thank God I have had the sense to follow my own diets and addictions and can still walk in Protest for 5 to 8 hours a day, six days per week at the age of 60.

Yeah, they sure think that I am dangerous and want to make a criminal out of me, because they don't like my choices and me promoting them. Can you imagine the change in government should there come hordes of active, healthy, consumerism rejecting, thinking people, happy to walk and not be addicted to gasoline, free of taxpaying mindless conformity, always believing the lies.

The results of not thinking for oneself are clear in the photo above. Then the government wants to charge ever more in taxes to cover their mistakes and "rectify" them. Fuck off elected members and control your own lives with your idiocy. Repeal the CDSA and help our communities have a safer, lawful future, you facking morons.

Harper is an idiot who shoots himself in the foot trying to thwart democracy. Not the Political master he was predicted to be, is he?

The Marijuana Guild solicits schedule for Psychedelics from the Court of Justice

The Marijuana Guild is about to schedule Psychedelic substances into its calender. We solicit any serious input. All people are welcome to contribute, for the benefit of humanity. Please seek out the forum in the title link and add your considered thoughts. We are amenable to all good creative ideas as this is part of the liberating process of intelligent thought that we seek.

Here is the forums index board: Aula Regia Electric See Forums

This is why:

We have created a legal sanctuary to express justice since the Canadian government was not willing to perform its duty to its citizens to control and regulate.

We told the Parliament of Canada in the parliamentary record that we would do this and they accepted our right to do so, by recognizing our legitimacy. Even when pressed the Government of Canada has never denied that we have the right to do so.

The Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society was again given standing before the the Vancouver police Board at which time we explained how we implemented our promise to control and regulate to the Parliament, by creating the Court of Justice and the Marijuana Guild. We also had a chance to reiterate our points of founding law and that Canada or its agents had no jurisdiction over us. I did affirm our rights by demonstrating that I could roll a joint peacefully while in the meeting.