By doing nothing you are part of this illness which is directly affecting everyone negatively.
Cannabis culture post:
Why does no one see that by refusing to allow recording devices in court that Justice can't be seen to be done?
Today's world requires close scrutiny of all our institutions, especially ones which are founded on the principle of scrutiny. That mean's microscopic review at leisure/convenience for those who take their duties as citizens sincerely. Convenience to scrutinize must be part of that concept.
This is a no brainer. That way court "records" can't be "cleaned up" after the fact. How dare they stand and bar access with threats of TASER use until we got rid of that nonsense and deny anyone the right to close scrutiny of the justice system which craves it in its founding parameters-- says that it is vital, in order for Justice to be done, that it must be seen to be done.
I personally heard the Attorney General of British Columbia, while I was incarcerated at North Fraser, state that his goal was to bring cameras to the court room. It seems that this is something that the Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society is deeply concerned about as well.
I personally believe that it should be corrected immediately, as were the TASER Warning signs removed, for the health of our Justice System. There can be no good argument to hide Justice from the community, can there? If there is I would like to hear it, please.
Why must I always only get a reporter filtered/interpreted version of what happened in the court room dependent upon the persons prejudices and influences?
Our goal is to help Michael De Jong achieve his goal in cooperation through peaceful activism. In the interests of getting as wide a perspective as possible please feel free to leave some input/help into this project, which is only in the initial planning stages. The goal is to get this done for the good of the entire community, quickly, peacefully.
This not about the drugs issue at all, but I believe goes to the heart of what is wrong with our justice System and the laws being applied. We who are directly affected have no input or even an ability to accurately monitor or assess this vital process