If you click the title of this post you will see my study by that name published three and a half years ago. I mention in the audio about how this hypothesis came to me while I was tripping on LSD.
Someone wanted an interview from a non local North American press. I have decided that I will give no interviews to the regular media for now. After all I have expressed myself voluminously here and on Utube, as well as many blogs. I am not here to entertain people although many are amused by my antics. Those responsible for the decision making will have intelligent people working on our demands. It all depends on if the PM will continue to play political games with the lives of Canadians or, as I believe along with many, he should get on with doing what is right for Canadians/humanity. Certainly there is no reasonable defense against the Registrar's LAD-00023, that I can see. At least none that has been expressed to me. If you wish to be the DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, be my guest.
LAD-00023 seems to be one of the wondrous monsters, a mutation of thought, that I was talking about as a part of the mechanism of natural selection brought on as a direct result of freedom of choice to ingest whatever substances we wish. In humans, not only is the biological function of mutation necessary, as I have said often, to bring forth successful biological adaptations, but in our case, we must be allowed to experience mutations of thought to create the wondrous entities of fresh ideas. This function of nature, is brought on by changes in temperature, exposure to radiation, whether cosmic or man made, and exposure to, or ingestion of, chemicals.
As a trained environmental technologist, I can tell you with accuracy that we are exposed to hundreds of dangerous, or, unknown man made chemicals every moment of our lives. To make any substance illegal to posses is a farce practiced only to apply tyranny.It is cognitive censorship to this purpose: to monopolize for profit and commerce, through corporate courts of "law," via corporate universities as the "factual foundation,"
And this is very serious: you people abuse legem regni, which is the only law that justifies outlawry or imprisonment, as a cloak for the malicious act of theft; and why? To prop up the University doctor/pharmacist/law monopolies. It is reprobate behavior contrary to law.
Of course I am reefering to the tile link in this post which will link you to our declaration of Independence LAD-00023
Follow along reading the document while listening to the esteemed Registrar, in the embedded player within the document in the Title Link, creator of this very lawful polite way of saying to all the governments in the world to cease and desist, they are breaking the Royal Law, God's law, when they operate under the guise of prohibition.
In this document he explains the exact reason why there is violence and lawlessness surrounding prohibition: Because they are practicing Injuria, Injustice. The monarch is serving the devil. It is the work of the devil that those storm troopers are carrying out when they steal people's possessions. Once people are trained to serve this master, the rule of Law evaporates. and a pervasive evil is unleashed upon your lands. This foul spirit practicing tyranny, then asserts itself as "the rule of law" and we have the breakdown of Law and order that we see around us. You people do what you will, but we will not be forced to worship the devil. This evil entity cloaks itself in false righteousness, as people like that "well meaning" health care worker who told me about the many horrors she had personally witnessed with people on LSD. This evil entity climbs into the minds of all those who would love to judge others, and gives them an outlet to practice their evil urges of oppression under the guise of government sanction "law and Order," drug tort.
This is the breaking of: "Thou shalt not judge others, lest ye be judged"
No one, not even Mister Harper, has the right to judge others for their personal choices if they are not interfering with anyone else. Your Society is not following the important laws of God. The Law Societies have forgotten why our legal system was founded on the Bible. Kings must reign well doing the work of God not the devil, or, the law Society.
Take a good look around you and see all our institutions crumbling in corruption and then listen to this while following the text of the document and you will understand why.
I believe this is God talking to us, to the world, through the LAD. It is a sacrament of God. What we have done is a true miracle of insight from God for all of humanity to adapt. Think about it, in one, not so long document, two acid heads, with no resources, one what your society calls a drug dealer, have explained in law God's will in His wisdom, so that even the tyrants can't come against it.
We will step peacefully away from Canada, Watch us! It is the will of God. The proof of that will be a miracle in itself.
You will see the nations which are mostly ruled by this evil will have the hardest time giving up this tool of the devil. Evil will set brother against brother.
This is the new wave of Liberty, that the world craves, every bit as important as the declaration of Independence was at its time. More so, because the evil of Prohibition has spread around the planet.
I believe that there is no Judge in Canada who will reject our argument, because it as plain as day: Irrefutable by the will of God.
"Cognitive liberty is necessary so that every generation can define the Rule of Law for itself."
Otherwise, a society becomes stagnant with a lack of justice preventing fresh ideas from surfacing, the creative harvest stops, and the jackboots come stealing under the cloak of "law." As I have said many times before, when the template coming from the top down in all our institutions is lawlessness, what else can we expect in the way of results reflected in our society?
Why not send these links to the PM's office, Vic Toews, Rob Nicholson, all the media to make sure they get the good news everywhere.
When you compare our acts of "terrorism" (me ringing the bell and shouting my announcement of sovereignty, opening the Pot Shop on East Broadway, the demonstration sale in Victory Square August 11 2009 AND SO ON AND SO FORTH as the registrar would say) to the rest of the "independence movements" around the world and their claims of "Godliness," while wearing explosive belts, and you see what we will achieve using only the words of God, you will hear His voice ringing the truth in your ears.
There will be no mistaking the hand of God expressing itself peacefully, powerfully, irrevocably(and yes rudely at times). The devil though uses high explosives TASER, weapons and prisons to harm harmless people.
Is it a wonder that in our own land even the press shuns us, although we display the finest, most powerful, sustained action for liberty in the entire world at the moment?
By allowing us to leave peacefully and giving us the protection from being harmed by the agents of the Government of Canada, which we demand in the name of God, Mr. Harper can set an example of a new paradigm for peaceful change for the entire world.
This will peacefully supersede the will of America, asserting God's law once again on the planet.
It is fitting, as Canada was the first nation in the world to prohibit Cannabis, climbing on the devil's bandwagon of prohibition created by the USA.
I don't think the Registrar would mind accepting the Nobel peace Prize with Mr. Harper, should God will it.
I wouldn't mind doing a hit or two of LAD with Stephen Harper and the Registrar, walking amongst God's great Canadian Forest anywhere and guiding him into a true communion with our creator, if he is ready for it. I think it would be great fun for everyone. (And if security must follow, they must be using the LAD too! That should be even more fun, I think.)
By the way, I am still extremely "high" on a massive dose of the LAD which I did yesterday at one pm. In the "coming down" phase right now. I have slept for six hours and woke up still very connected to the wonderful universe we live in. At times, it truly is a grand life which God has granted this Oracle!
When I use the word God, keep in mind you can use it as a blank holding spot for Allah, Goa, Dog, whatever is you personal connection. I have actually read the Bible several times but don't think it is the unaltered word of God. Can I hear God speaking to me through it at times? Yes. Actually I have found that if you seek the voice of God, truly, He will speak to your heart in any LANGUAGE, USING ANY PARABLE FROM ANY RELIGION, OR NOT. The important thing is the we seek Him in a personal way pretty well continuously. While drunk even, because that will help keep you from getting behind the wheel. The reason all of these Psychedelic substances are less harmful than alcohol is because they don't impair one's reasoning capabilities, which lead to calmer outcomes than from alcohol. They also truly connect one to a sense of belonging to each other and the universe. Now what is so dangerous about a little peace and love? Don't you think that the world might need some of this type of cognitive liberty, today?
We use the Bible as our law because that was and still is the foundation of the English Law and it speaks the truth as well as any other. NO MATTER WHAT EVIL OTHER SOCIETIES HAVE TRIED TO INSTALL, THE LAW OF OUR COMMON LAND IS STILL THE COMMON LAW. IT IS IRREFUTABLE AS IS THE LAW OF NATURE.
May God use our words to touch those who will not be able to deny them, because they did pray to their concept of God, Mr. Harper. Hopefully, after reading and hearing them, God will touch his heart, then, I and many others can say good things about him.
Perhaps the Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society will endorse worthy Conservative candidates during the next election, then Mr. Harper will win by a landslide. (NOT SAYING HE WILL DO THIS TO WIN, BUT HOPING HE WILL DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT)
If he is following the will of God, he would likely make a good leader.(perhaps after a few sessions with LAD he will become a great leader?)
If we spent a full day on the LAD the Right Honorable Stephen Harper might get to experience something like this
Someone must have linked these words up tp the Solicitor General's Office. Thanks
Solicitor General Canada ( [Label IP Address]
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 0 returning visits
Date Time Type WebPage 24th October 2010 11:19:55 Page View No referring link budoracle.blogspot.com/2010/10/so-what-are-you-gonna-do-vic-toews-rob.html
Royal Canadian Mounted Police ( [Label IP Address]
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 0 returning visits
Date Time Type WebPage 24th October 2010 13:49:06 Page View www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CCQQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbudoracle.blogspot.com%2F2010%2F10%2Ftom-mccluskie-heads-integrated-gang.html&rct=j&q=integrated%20gang%20task%20force&ei=mpvETK3FKZGlnQfKvpSBCg&usg=AFQjCNHHxyfQxIoaR8BYXE09A4ZU3 budoracle.blogspot.com/2010/10/tom-mccluskie-heads-integrated-gang.html
Casey Hardison is currently serving a 20 year sentence in the UK for the manufacture of LSD, DMT and 2-CB. Casey defended himself using complex and innovative human rights arguments and continues to challenge the legality of the administration of the Misuse of Drugs Act:
Please don't forget to give to Casey's cause.
The very solid argument belongs to all, was first developed by Casey William Hardison and the legal foundation in search of Justice for Casey: Drug Equality Alliance
These guys at the "DEA" are true activists. Although I may be a recipient (indirectly) of their generosity mostly in 'SITTING IN' on the discussion format, I am honestly astonished at the level of commitment- let me spell that out- unpaid time and effort, that this organization has given to the cause of our freedom.
Remember this spending of a few bucks on your part could pay off in YOU gaining your freedom! Please find their donate button and spend freely. Here is the new battle cry.... Smoke one gram less per week and send $10 to the cause of this wonderful organization or Free Casey cause! No one OVER there is DIRECTLY concerned with Bud the "silly" Oracle, or, Klaus Kaczor and his gang of "demented" men, it is all about getting their wonderful perception of the law in front of a court anywhere in the western world. You too are welcome to contact them and state your case.That, in today's world, is far from the norm.
Bud Oracle
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I am still carrying on this battle for sanity. I spend much time on the issues, and I hope to bring this case further than just the sentence hearing on September 2. If I can, I will ask to be heard at the Supreme Court level to get a stay in the proceedings on the much same argument I put before the Provincial court (See the bottom of this post.) To this end I hope to be able to raise airfare for an advocate from the Drug Equality Alliance to stand up and present the argument free of charge. The chances are not all that great, but we are working at the documentation to be heard at the Supreme Court level all by our amateur selves. It is our hope that we might get this argument before the courts somewhere in the world to raise the spirits and chances for freedom for Casey William Hardison who is still serving out his 20 year sentence. I don't know about you, but I can't just sit on my ass and dream about the times I used to get high, when this man and so many others are being tormented in prison for their belief in human rights. There is a strong likelihood that I too may be returned to jail at the time of sentencing but whatever it might be is nothing to the amount of time others are doing for supplying you with some nice psychedelic adventures to practice your freedom.
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