Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Karen Magill meets Bud the Oracle at Trout Lake

Above a picture off the website of the lovely lady I had met with her husband and exchanged cards only moments before meeting Karen below.

She has given me a card to send to Ottawa in defense of fur Bearers which I am doing at the moment.

I found Karen to be a happy person. The kind I love meeting. It is an ongoing daily treasure for me to be able to interact with people like this. To visit Karen's blogspot just click the title link in this post.

My hat draws them like butterflies!

Everyone is concerned about something if they are engaged in the community. It is a real thrill to meet such enlightened activist, passionate, intelligent people.

Thank you god for the simple pleasures!


Unknown said...

It was great meeting you as well Bud.

bud oracle said...

Yeah, likewise. I hope to run into you in the future sometime to chat again.