Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Spiral Dive: an analogy of Fatal Error Paths (Utube flight video of Tibor's jet powered Michell Wing)

The Kasperwing Motor glider (Top pic---owned one in Wetaskewin in 1984 1985)


The Mitchell Wing B10 was a lot of aircraft to learn to fly 3 axis on without instruction. (Bottom 3 pics---Flown first in Hinton 1988 and then in Ontario 1989 through 1993

The Kasperwing was not full 3 axis, rather it was a weird weight-shift for pitch via a "swing seat" and a yoke column which could deploy the tip rudders for yaw control. this then "induced" roll. It would not spin, but had this super-fast, controlled, almost vertical, decent mode. I never liked it low, so tried not to loose altitude quickly.

Anyways, the lesson learned when I managed to pull out of an unexpected spin that I aggravated into a terminal Spiral dive, is in my opinion something to reflect on when considering solutions to our present economic crisis,

The lessons from the Mitchell Wing started from the first flight on. And were always costly. I was really only learning about how stupid being stubborn is. This one cost upwards of $2000.00.

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