This is all about keeping a beneficial vegetable the foundation for organized crime and police recruitment.To think that I am a criminal for risking my life several times to make our society safer. This is plain idiocy of the deepest kind Canada.
I trusted the RCMP A story of my putting a double murderer behind bars and the payback I got
Our challenge to the criminal world trying to take the crime out of marketing a vegetable.
This is the sum total of the Institutionalized Idiocy plaguing Canada and the World today over a beneficial VEGETABLE THAT MAKES ONE HAPPY.
THIS CRIME AND CORRUPTION IS STAGGERING AND WORKS HAND IN HAND TO ENTRENCH ITSELF LIKE A CANCEROUS GROWTH IN THE CANADIAN SOCIETYToday I will appear in Court RM 307 at 1:30 pm, 222 Main Street VancouverThere is a feeling of ominous foreboding within me. I may never meet some special kids that I am close to seeing for the first time. Too bad so many people are so closed minded that progress is impossible. I have my doubts that humankind will survive very far into the future. And perhaps that's for the best. Personal pleasure THROUGH QUESTS FOR POWER AND WEALTH, is the prime mover today. Perhaps it is the
natural selection mechanism gone wild having been skewed by prohibition into spitting out too much comformity.
OUR CHILDREN ARE BEAT INTO CONFORMITY TO EXCEL IN THEIR ROLES AS TAX SLAVES. All vestigases of creativity and individual courage/resourcefullness are erraddicated to make room for the 4th Reich.