It is beginning to dawn on me that I am exceptional, not at all like Peter, Paul, or John whom my father always wanted me to be more like. The amount of impact words like that have on someone who is exceptional but doesn't know it yet is immense. These words are reflected back at me constantly in the dysfunctional responses to me from others. There is a lot of hurt out there, in here, still.
They may be leaving me alone because I am a nut, but I don't it see it that way. And I don't base it on a vague supposition framed in my own baseless over confidence as compared to some else's lack of confidence.
When someone fails to even put in an effort to understand what we are doing, yet are confidently ready to assert that they know what the cops/politicians think: that I am "nuts," contrary to the obvious it stuns me and hurts my spirit. This accordingly is the reason that I am being presently left alone. I can't believe that level of negativity unless that person is deeply dysfunctional themselves. That's sad to see.
If it were this easy, just acting crazy, wouldn't there be a huge supply of would-be drug dealers who could capitalize on their natural abilities? No, this is a fearful man's projection of their own lack of confidence by way of saying "They think you are nuts." I hope that I will eventually get to elevate everyone's courage a bit from the example of my nutty activism. Everyone who has ever accomplished something that was difficult has had to deal with their own doubts, but the most disheartening thing for me to see is the level poor self awareness coupled with fear, pessimism and mostly self loathing, in others. It really is sad some are so limited by their own attitude as to project on someone else. Perhaps they might yet learn as I did what is important and have a happy time without fear.
I think that he would do well with a lesson in Wu Li Dancing. There is still plenty of time, because I didn't learn this until only recently.
That question is rattling around in my psychedelic enhanced mind. Due to a combination of a comment on Utube last week, of high tolerance and of repetitive over use, I had quit for about 5 days, and yes, upon review I can see my behavior becoming increasingly assertive displaying a frustration, I suppose, as a reaction to my puny efforts to change things and the governments seeming intransigence. When the Registrar recommended I do some LAD to relieve the tension, it actually did reset my psyche and adjust my attitude to a more peaceful nature. I get very social and happy when I do psychedelics, very conversational (some would accurately describe me as pedantic, unless the Registrar is around). They can also attest to my heightened emotionally empathetic state when sharing experiences of others. 3 doses of today's street LSD is really only a therapeutic dose, probably well under 400 micrograms. That's the problem, the dose is unknown in a black market. Thus far we are forced to procure these sacraments from the black market.
By my own feedback, which I am learning to trust while increasingly fine tuning my understanding and perceptions, a clearer picture of the effects of mind altering substances on my body, mind and soul is evolving. I notice very few detrimental side effects. When I watched TV regularly I was much heavier. I ran the Wolf while I coasted the bike to get him exercised. I love to walk on psychedelics now, because of many reasons which "may be of a wide variety: interpersonal, aesthetic, religious, spiritual, kinaesthetic, synaesthetic, etc."
We are a tribe of philosophers, theologians, magicians, scientists, artists, clowns, and similar maniacs who are intrigued with ERIS GODDESS OF CONFUSION and with Her Doings
LAD allows me to socialize more with other people on the sidewalks, the Wolf and I can bond better and develop our non leashed partnership, I am getting more exercise, I love listening to music of all kinds and translating that rhythm into my gate (I often jive while walking). This type of movement is much more beneficial to my physical and spiritual health than traveling in a low effort coasting mode on my bicycle beside my trotting Wolf. The other thing is that I am empathetic to his age and his need to slow down. We have more fun and he does not need to have a huge draining of energy like he did as a young Wolf. Man, could he run and jog, it seemed like forever sometimes. That's why he looks so healthy now. This personal talent of malleability suits me well, and I am thankful for the mental expansion to become self aware on some deep and interesting levels. Adaptation is a valuable talent and I do feel we can influence the DNA molecule as much as it influences us.
All in all, I truly believe that rather than causing me to become a stupid looser, as some believe these substances make their users after repeated use, they effect me beneficially and it is readily evident in my behavior as recorded on video and also in my writings. The only thing I see in my view is that my life is a rich adventure, a soaring flight of epic sensations filled with exiting experiences of great joy, since I adjusted my goals to less hedonistic pursuits. My "drug use" is a fun way to commune with my creator, and I am engaged, busy actually, doing His bidding. In doing this, He provides for all my needs without restriction. God surely knows that I need hefty doses of mental stimulation in a fun way, everything flows from there for me. No one can accuse me of having "dropped out," although there is no doubt that I have "turned on!" That is my right in our society. Too bad, Persons of Canada are not this free.
Therefore, the inclusion of psychedelic drugs, to wit marihuana, psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide, dimethyltryptamine and analogues, salts and isomers thereof, is contrary to s. 2(b) of the Charter as it infringes upon freedom of thought, but is such infringement within “reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society,” thus saving the scheduling by s. 1? The purpose of law is to promote justice, judgement and peace. The aforesaid academic, corporate study concludes that a likely natural consequence of your prohibition is homicide and gun violence. Therefore, this infringement of cognitive liberty is not reasonable, for it promotes gun violence, and violence is the opposite of peace and is the act of the unjust: it is injurious, and it is unreasonable for people to be injured by the acts of a purportedly free and democratic society.
Every friggen cop gets paid to harm innocent people, as well as the entire society enforcing prohibition, there is not a single shred of guilt in the fact that I am making "drug money" while doing the work of God for the benefit of my community. The Canadian economy runs on drug money of some kind. I don't care if 99% of the citizens are duped sheep and don't realize it. My efforts are guaranteed to bear fruit by my boss, and I will not be dissuaded because the propaganda spewed by the government for a century causes people to hate/shun me as a "drug user/criminal." I will learn to turn the other cheek without a moment's hesitation or doubt, eventually if I keep LSD in my diet, imo.
I am hard wired for life. Also I find this interesting today: Robin Dunbar: How Many Friends Does One Person Need? At this very moment, I noticed something Robin talks about in the video. Every once in a while a subscriber drops off my Utube channel. At first it bothered me because I felt personally slighted by the subscribers turn of loyalty. I never check out whether the other person is aligned with my politics, it's only a networking system to expand ones exposure to the larger public. I believe that others should make up their own minds so I usually return the subscription even if I think they are weird. I might appear weird to some so I don't have a problem with that. But if they are boring and lack any ability to hold my interest I don't burden those who follow me with an intro. "Friendship" through common politics is not part of my perception of this Utube function. it's always nice to meet real people behind their cyber handles and it is a stimulating part of internet connectivity for me.
Casey Hardison is currently serving a 20 year sentence in the UK for the manufacture of LSD, DMT and 2-CB. Casey defended himself using complex and innovative human rights arguments and continues to challenge the legality of the administration of the Misuse of Drugs Act:
Please don't forget to give to Casey's cause.
The very solid argument belongs to all, was first developed by Casey William Hardison and the legal foundation in search of Justice for Casey: Drug Equality Alliance
These guys at the "DEA" are true activists. Although I may be a recipient (indirectly) of their generosity mostly in 'SITTING IN' on the discussion format, I am honestly astonished at the level of commitment- let me spell that out- unpaid time and effort, that this organization has given to the cause of our freedom.
Remember this spending of a few bucks on your part could pay off in YOU gaining your freedom! Please find their donate button and spend freely. Here is the new battle cry.... Smoke one gram less per week and send $10 to the cause of this wonderful organization or Free Casey cause! No one OVER there is DIRECTLY concerned with Bud the "silly" Oracle, or, Klaus Kaczor and his gang of "demented" men, it is all about getting their wonderful perception of the law in front of a court anywhere in the western world. You too are welcome to contact them and state your case.That, in today's world, is far from the norm.
Bud Oracle
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I am still carrying on this battle for sanity. I spend much time on the issues, and I hope to bring this case further than just the sentence hearing on September 2. If I can, I will ask to be heard at the Supreme Court level to get a stay in the proceedings on the much same argument I put before the Provincial court (See the bottom of this post.) To this end I hope to be able to raise airfare for an advocate from the Drug Equality Alliance to stand up and present the argument free of charge. The chances are not all that great, but we are working at the documentation to be heard at the Supreme Court level all by our amateur selves. It is our hope that we might get this argument before the courts somewhere in the world to raise the spirits and chances for freedom for Casey William Hardison who is still serving out his 20 year sentence. I don't know about you, but I can't just sit on my ass and dream about the times I used to get high, when this man and so many others are being tormented in prison for their belief in human rights. There is a strong likelihood that I too may be returned to jail at the time of sentencing but whatever it might be is nothing to the amount of time others are doing for supplying you with some nice psychedelic adventures to practice your freedom.
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