Be sure to click the title for the link to our Declaration of Independence LAD-00023. Within the live multi media document near the top is embedded a historical reading of this document by the Registrar, its creator. Follow along as he reads it to get a better grasp of what we mean to do. I will embed the video of my announcement below, as soon as it is uploaded. Today i was still in a strange high from Saturday. I probably ingested somewhere between 3 and 6 milligrams of pure LAD. That boils down to about 3 top 6 thousand micrograms. You will see my mental machinery is very finely functioning, although I still "feel" a residual high.
I'm so glad you are still interested in what I have to say, Sgt Kaiser. I believe it is vitally important for everyone.
City Of Vancouver ( Sgt Kaiser VPD [Edit Label]
Canada Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 0 returning visits
Date Time Type WebPage
26th October 2010 16:05:33 Page View*juel stanton*&hl=en&tbo=1&output=search&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ei=il7HTNW7DYKCsQOdhbj9DA&ved=0CAgQpwU