Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bud's Next Court Appearance

Bud appeared today in provincial court...in person, to hear the crown ask to co-join both of Bud's cases. The crown has not formerly withdrawn count 1 as it still shows on the record...

Today the crown also introduced James Bahen, Queen's Council, this so called 'friend of the court' and was therefore introduced to Bud the Oracle....but there was no discussions between them and it's not even clear if this chap really is working on Bud's behalf or not.

Bud also demanded that he be allowed the assistance of his friend Robin, but, as it was, there wasn't much to do at the hearing.

The Crown is asking to join the two trials---one in respect of information 201530 and one in respect of 201998.

Tomorrow also:

The Law Courts
800 Smith Street

Chief Justice Bud the Oracle v. REGINA

The room number is unknown as of yet, but the BCSC Supreme Court Criminal Registry has confirmed a spring order for the prisoner for tomorrow---so he'll be delivered into the custody of Sheriff Services for tomorrow's court date.

Please show if you have some time and wish to support these challenges to the CDSA, or support Bud the Oracle.

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