I you click the title link you can see that the government of Canada thanked us for calling it a criminal organization and made no objections. It is in the parliamentary record. I'll take my camera and hopefully be able to post some impression s of this First day of the Vancouver street protest on the last day of 2009. Have a good productive activist new year to all!
This morning I couldn’t sleep past 5:45. I was feeling strange butterflies as if I were being released this morning. This leads me to think about psychedelics being necessary in one’s diet to help us achieve this type of extra sensory perceptions/communications. I don’t know about others but I will have this expanded perception and empathy. No government will ever limit what God has given me to use for my benefit and others. I like the way I have turned out. The pleasure of having a full range of emotions is worth more than all the wealth in the world.
My protest has become much more passive compared to the vocal taunts at the beginning. The transition was a natural evolution necessary as my understanding grew. That is perhaps my only real strength; I am willing to evolve. In the 1.5 years since I started these political campaigns, I have received a wealth of understanding of my fellow humans in return for my efforts. The wearing of my crown of buds, and now with the art on the horn project, have been the most rewarding, insightful, fun things I have ever done in my life. The doors that open when one dares to be different are portals to adventure and communication of the most pleasing nature. I don’t know exactly how I have come to this point and don‘t take any conscious credit for any of it, but there is no doubt that this is the finest time of my life. I feel fulfilled having such an important goal to which I am totally committed. I know that my god will never give me a challenge that is too difficult for me to solve. The repeal of prohibition is not a daunting concept for me. It seems firmly within my grasp I have been gifted the assets of having many intelligent friends who are also driven to achieve this goal. The best strategies have come as advice from others, which I have immediately seen the value of and with their help implemented quickly. The removal of the TASER WARNING signs was one of them.
In this new mode of engaging the public and encouraging others to speak, I see further assurance of our eventual victory. For instance yesterday a lady stopped to talk. She mentioned right away when I offered her my card with the internet links, that she doesn’t use the internet. She was my age or slightly older, dressed in good clothes. Without prompting she unburdened herself. Within a minute she was using good English to expound her fury at what our governments have wrought. She used my words to describe her own perception of the downtown East side.
“They made this Problem! They manufactured this crime!”
I gave her our Christmas card and she was amused by the quotations and sincerely promised to check out my words in the record of parliament. I have noticed more people coming from libraries, lately. The security employee who works at the airport to whom I spoke yesterday, my building manager who is Polish and is happily following our battles. The removal of the TASER signs in BC courthouses was especially good news to her as she said to me shaking her head, “Robert was asking for the police to come before they came and TASERed him at the Airport.”
What these contacts assure me of, is eventual victory. These Control freaks who do another nations bidding, defaulting on their duty to Canadians, are only in their positions by default. Nearly half the eligible voters stay home, there is a minority government federally, so the Harper government has only the support of 25% of the electorate. No wonder there is talk of Proroguing again. That is why there is no push on to reform our voting system to make it a compulsory duty of every citizen. They can’t use their political policies of divide and conquer to win by default if people were made to vote. Especially if there was a little box on the ballot saying “None of the above” and if the vote turned out to be a majority for “none of the above” then another election with new people must be run. The way it is now, the Conservatives can put forward ever more idiocy which rewards them with disengaging more voters from the process through sheer revulsion and loss of hope that voting will have any real effect, and thereby hang in with another deception of an election “win.”
These realizations have given me my new strategy. I will attempt to give the people whom I engage on the sidewalks, hope. I will encourage them by relating my exploits and small accomplishments, inviting them to check out our words in the parliamentary record and have fun with their own activism whatever it might be. I will assure them that it will mean something and reward them for doing it personally. This new protest on the sidewalks of Vancouver is something that I am looking forward to very much.
I am hoping to make more than a 1000 meaningful new personal contacts within the next 3 or 4 months. The future is friendly! Hope wells strong within my emotional heart.
My God never gives me a challenge that I can not solve. These people who promote Prohibition have evil and harm to innocent people on their agenda, they have nothing that God wants for creation. They assert their own statutes to control what God decreed to be free, to the detriment of humanity. The writing is on the wall for this kind of social fraud. Everywhere in the world reform is on the horizon. Tyranny will stand only for so long before it is displaced by the reign of law of reason spurred on by a lust for liberty.
This coming court appearance on March 25 2010 for Klaus Kaczor will be the last as he no longer exists, not even at this address. The management has listed Chief justice Bud the Oracle at this address. There is no way I will allow a mistaken identity by the cops who came to answer my 911 call on August 11to supersede the recognition of myself conferred upon me by the Federal government at my appearance before the justice committee. The fact that the Federal Crown Attorney, Adriana Switzer, kept the camcorder from Robin, from who it was seized illegally, for 9 weeks, goes to proving that the government wants to implement this CDSA through injustice or theft of property contrary to section 337 of the criminal code, as well as assault upon me by the Jail guards on the evening of the 11of August.
Marc’s plight in jail does not frighten me. There is no way that my God will allow this tyranny to applied to me without giving me the resources to endure and finally triumph. Since I believe that freedom of choice is the mechanism of natural selection, I am tasked with this goal for our common good. I truly believe that Psychedelics are a natural healthy part of humanity’s diet and can benefit our society in many ways.
Just having true freedom of choice will help our community heal and come together in constructive harmony, rather than this divide and conquer model that the government promotes through its drug war policies. This oppression is founded on divisive fear and labeling/demonizing harmless people who are committing a harmless act upon themselves.
I promise that I will not let it stand unchallenged as long as I have breath.
I just got off the phone with a free Marc Boyer. I hope to be meeting him later today. Perhaps a video. His passion seems undiminished, perhaps even strengthened by the application of tyranny!
This post is a tribute to my morning mistake. Have you ever gone to school/showed up for work on a holiday? I have done both. That says something about me. Tomorrow I will go again to protest at the courthouse because my "mistake' was really serendipity making an opportunity happen. A chance for spontaneity to help my networks expand.
It was a nice morning and the White Wolf and I were raring to go, so we went. I don't understand why it is so hard for someone not working to attend. It would take so little to beat these lazy lawyers and cops.
Freedom of Choice means the right to choose whatever diet one wishes. It is the mechanism of Natural selection which accomplishes variety in mutations. It is a NECESSARY part of the human condition since life began as is FARTING.
Here is a scenario which is comparable to the government wishing to control our diets for conformity.
For your enlightened consideration
The Rude Odor Eradication Act is sponsored by the fair fragrance franchise marketing control board
Be it resolved that the passing of noxious bowel odor gases is anti social behavior when it takes place in a confined area, such as elevators, small meeting rooms, and other poorly ventilated locations.
The passing of gas, or “farting” in the colloquial has been deemed an transgressor act exposing others to internal hazardous vapors and second hand fart inhalation. There is a likelihood of pathogen transfer if high density vapors are released from a contagious orifice.
The other, equally valid consideration, is the injury to the spirit of those who are odor conscious and make an effort to smell nice. The nasally correct who have achieved a professionally created, socially approved scented balance must have recourse to those inconsiderate odiferous disease spreading criminals.
Everyone has the right to breath clean correctly scented air!
Undercover plain cloths detection and enforcement teams for bowel gas bylaw violations can be lightly armed and need not be armored. They can operate in pairs per building random riding elevators and patrolling halls and confined spaces.
Each member will be trained in the handling of bowl gas source detection ferrets which can be carried unobtrusively concealed in special clothing compartments, purses or satchels. These ferrets will be trained to locate the source of any bad bowel odor. Each ferret and handler will be verified and certified via regular retesting to be able to accomplish this feat of source location accurately.
Every odor enforcement officer will be required to carry an air sampling device which will capture the offensive aroma and match that in an analytical laboratory against an anal swab to be performed immediately upon arrest. Each sample must be properly labeled under the rules of evidence to comply with court procedural rules. The arresting officer will have the authority to deploy TASER weapons on the offender should they fail to bend over upon request for sampling.
Each proven offense must be accompanied by a $250.00 fine. A repeat malodorous offender may be incarcerated for up to, but no longer than, 6 months.
A medical certificate will be required at the time of the arrest if health grounds are to be used as a lawful excuse. Only illnesses of the bowels will be considered a legal excuse.
The Minister of Public safety has just started to reject my auto update notifications from this blog> I wonder if you could help keep Peter van Loan abreast of my new blog posts by sending him the update links every new post or Utube video. I am sure he will appreciate that:
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What the fack do people think I am talking about? These are the facts of the results of drug war.
This will be on the back of my sign: "Why do you believe the lies?"
A monarch rules through Justice, not Injustice. By harming harmless people through the CDSA, the Government practices tyranny. It is the duty of every citizen to come against tyranny even at great personal cost, because our freedom will cease to exist if we let them do it.
Why would anyone believe the same bullshit that has been spouted for 4 decades now (see CBC propaganda video by clicking title link?) As if Kash Heed has done something extraordinary and new, not the same idiocy that has been spouted a thousand times before. I just had another person try to sell my a thousand hits of MDMA. Good Price too. Guess they have to make up the market share opening which this bust left. Perhaps friends of the Minister's needed a little help to get their product into a better position. Get tough on drugs? This is the same boring shit paranoid Richard Nixon was peddling 4 1/2 decades ago. These dumb fucks can't even invent a new spin and yet the citizen morons forever feed off this nonsense, because the government media is stuffing it to them by the shovel full.
To me it is totally insane what the RCMP have done to Rick Simpson, busting him again. These flat footed cowards don't come near me because as they have found out I am not to be trifled with. With all their resources and training, they still find me a bit difficult. That's because I have caught these criminals several times, including their boss committing crimes and have documented this. All their technical crap and the whole shebang can't touch an honest, ethical, man who isn't afraid of them. They are just another violent gang with colors and guns at heart, yet practically the most sophisticated of them all with your resources. No oversight, not accountable to the laws, and can murder with impunity, are the operational parameters of the RCMP. The drugs and substances act is perfect for their purposes, a gang of thugs well armed applying tyranny.
Lying fucks like Kash Heed continue to make our society unsafe to help make a police state for their control purposes, all lackies of the USA. More idiotic control laws so that more cops and politicians can get a larger share of the Tax revenue from the sheep.
The picture at the top of the post of the monument to the missing and murdered women says it all. These are incompetent spin artists perpetuating the same lies which got us into this lawless state to begin with. Couldn't even get it straight at investigating the murders while they continued unabated. Didn't Willi Picton live in Mapleridge, policed by the RCMP?
The VPD wouldn't even admit there was a problem, inventing plausible "vacation" scenarios for the missing women. These incompetent assholes are going to do now what they have been unable to do for a half century? That stupid, I am not. Fuck right off Kash Heed, I couldn't give a shit what a criminal political spin monkey like you says. You are giving me a renewed vigor. The sheep quickly forget and munch down on even more bullshit as quick as the fraudsters can shovel it out. The fucking government couldn't get the Air India bombers, spending hundreds of millions, even though they were recorded on audio tape and now this loudmouthed liar Kash Heed is going to fix the drug problem in one fell swoop with the help of the Feds, because they caught 15 kilos of coke and a couple of hundred thousand hits of ecstasy. I have heard this kind of bullshit now for a half century. Fuck right off Kash Heed, stick your crime causing policies where the sun don't shine. You are one of the ones we owe this crime and lawlessness, too!
That is why I have no apologies for this harangue of a liar who betrays his duty to the safety of the community and blatantly lies for purely political purposes. Yeah, there is blood on this cowardly liar's hands.
Yesterday the goon squad of sheriffs tried to harass me for smoking a joint under the building overhang where the cigarette smokers stand. I had finished my smoke but could see how they immediately turned around when they saw I was done. I started to verbally harangue them and left about 15 minutes early.
On the way home and during the day, I have been thinking about an appropriate response to this continued harassment by armed goons. There is something in the works which follows my response parameters. I always like to ratchet up the stakes when people like this try to oppress me in gang style. There were three well armed, armored sheriffs, preparing to harm me for smoking something all science agrees is infinitely less harmful than tobacco.
I have the solution which fits well. In the new year when Mark gets out I will change my focus and location. Rather then be lured into more confrontations with these terrorists on their turf, I will go around the Maginot Line.
My targeted audience will be different, too. I have saturated the Law Society drones with my marketing. The world will be arriving and 222 Main is a bit out of the way. Stay tuned for further details that I am sure those interested will find intriguing and very well engineered.This video is about the exact same thing as the sheriffs. The manager has been brainwashed by the government, just as the sheriffs, into believing a pack of lies. This allows these people to become zealots. In the case of the female manager it results in torture for the man with the MS, while in a pot smoker's case it could lead to imprisonment, even death as in Marc Boyer's case. His lymphoma has returned since he went into jail. Most likely it has something to do with the denial of his medicine which had kept the cancer in remission for the past 7 years.
The government gives expression to intolerance through the CDSA and the mountain of lies it is built on.
The latest bullshit comes from the BC Solicitor General Kash Heed. When this double speaking political fraudster was in a different position, that is not politically aligned, he was talking control and regulation. The problem with illegal drugs is that they are a boon to lying politicians who have no real policy to offer Canadians that is different from their American Master's demonization and ignore science policies. See the title link for CBC video of Kash Heed spouting asinine stuff dramatically.
What a pile of pure political crap to be talking in 2010. I am so glad to be hitting the streets now with my message. These are the gestapo of today. They must be stopped before they destroy our society completely. I will give it my best This is really what it is all about! Have you seen it yet? zeitgeist addendum
Here is another interesting video to give one some perspective from the bullshit.
There is a world that awaits me when I go to my stats counter and see the visits to my blog. It constantly amazes and humbles me the number and variety of locations from around the world that visit. This leads me to reflect on the influence that I might have. When I review what I have written and said in my Utubes, it seems that sometimes I am out to lunch, angry beyond reason, while at other times I have excellent input and make insightful points with humor and logic. Is this not a mirror image of those I claim to represent; the average human being?
The best that I can figure out is that mostly I am an amalgamation of the average man, the resultant emotions of a law abiding person who has been oppressed by injustice. Somehow I can’t seem to let the emotions go, as most others do, rather I have cleverly disguised it, revised it and made it my crusade’s energy source.
Was I built this way, or have I been tweaked by my lifetime use of Marijuana? Am I a product of this plant expressed through my unique being? Is this a symbiotic relationship? Are Mary Jane and I joined at the hippocampus? Who are we? Bud the Oracle?
All I know is that I am doing exactly as God wants me to do right now, although I can’t define God. Yet I don’t have a clue what I am going to do the next moment. There is no plan. I am winging it with a lot of help from my friends.
Here is what is on my mind this morning: I am an addictive person! I am reflecting on my clients and their addiction battles as well, and how the legalization of all substances is going to affect us individually. Personally I am very fond of this MDMA and can see how others are too. Some of my best friends like it very much, too. Of course this is on top of the herb. It seems that the more creative the personality, the more of a fondness for these diversions. For the most part psychedelic users are hard working individuals in good paying jobs, or university students. I have watched some young clients give them up more than a year ago. Others recently quit pot. Everyone has their mountains to climb and some do better than others. I’ll tell you a little bit about mine, because I believe it is mostly the same for all of us.
In the fridge at the moment are several different varieties of psychedelics, all my favorites. I wouldn’t have them if I didn’t like them. They beckon to me for a moment on a day like this. Lots of good sleep, happy optimistic morning with a lovely 9 degrees forecast. My legs are just getting back into shape from the assault and I am able to put four hours of walking on them per day, so I feel like walking. Strolling on ecstasy and mushrooms is like walking while having a mild orgasm throughout your entire body as well as your mind. Definitely a thrill for a sixty year old. 60 milli grams of this stuff, half a normal dose, is plenty for me and my adult friends. The trick is to give it a break. Not to let it talk you into ingesting some every time it beckons.
I have set a minimum of one week for myself, while some of my friends don’t do it more often than every couple of weeks. What I am noticing is that most of the drug users I know are responsible and can control themselves. It is a matter of coming to terms with yourself, your stress load, and those around you. What is most important in all our lives is that we are loved and needed, especially being happy with ourselves. When those parameters shift and illness strikes us, be it either mental, physical or a combination of both, we become vulnerable. It is then that our social support network gets to be very important.
It is at this time that we don’t need to be driven away from a normal community, to be criminalized by the Justice system, to be made the scapegoat of the ills of society by the government. Politicians, cops, judges, crown attorneys, bureaucrats refer to us as “drug users” ladling disdain on the syllables to garner hatred for us through political stigmatization, criminalization, by labeling us as being mentally abnormal, when all we are is the same as others of the human species. We are the Rahim Jaffers of humanity, capable of good and vile depravity! We are both loved and despised by our loved ones, because we have a problem of control in certain areas that at times can affect our lives greatly. The solution is personal knowledge and exercising control.
The government can never take these human problems on via the blunt instrument of prohibition, because in all our individual fridges will be all of our most challenging problems. Unless the government wants to climb into all our fridges, steal all our problems and harm us by jailing all of us, most of whom it can’t control at any given time (and that is all of us, including those in government, policing, justice) there is no way it can do anything but exacerbate the problem for us personally. When we open our eyes and look around at the social landscape after the last 4 decades of Prohibition, my predictions about the rampant lawlessness which would engulf us in 1969 were exactly on the mark. This of course comes at a great social cost, violent crime and the increased costs (both financial and social) of the policing associated with it.
All of this absurdity is layered on by the government when in the end we only have to handle our problem by becoming a little stronger personally. For me this comes from the enhancing my personal awareness of myself, keeping up my social network and most of all feeling that I am contributing something as a human being. I kind of think that I am not so different from any other addictive person in this country.
Although I don’t want anyone to have a bad result from the substances I am selling, and have given it great thought, there still is no better way than allowing each their own free choice. To let God touch each one as their needs be, not to try and control anyone, must be the way. It is proven when any individual overcomes even the worst of addictions through personal efforts helped along by the community, rather than there being an absence of drugs available to them.. That is why the age of reason is important. People should know exactly what they are ingesting and its effects on them, perhaps through graduated licensing. Beyond that, it not the job of anyone to stand in for God in another life.
It makes me stronger to understand my weaknesses and develop the control over my own nature, holding off to satisfy my required time limit. Incrementally, like the tiny atomic attractions of Van der Wall’s forces, as a large citizenry, we will add up to a stronger society.
I really appreciate the civil responses and honest communications I have been getting from my targeted adversaries, the members of the BC Law Society who have stopped to chat. This respect in turn begets respect on my part and I have left off with my derogatory tirade.
Also the police have been giving me respect, therefore I have left off with my most biting remarks.
I feel like I am in the clouds doing aerobatics! Honestly, something in reaction to my perceived success has been giving me the same tingly feeling inside that I used to feel when I was connecting with thermal lift on a cross country hang gliding flight. I feel a good vibration happening!
The Registrar of the UDS is trying to get us standing before the Police board. What we have to say may be of the most critical input on the improvement of safety to both the community and the police themselves.
It is a matter of mutual respect garnered by enforcing Laws through Jus, not Injuria.
We feel it is also time to look at the tax benefit to the Province of British Columbia, if aggressive, pugilistic sports like Extreme fighting are allowed for entertainment purposes(and well it should), at least the marijuana guild should be granted similar trial status for the benefit of society. This significant recovery of revenues would defray the costs currently shouldered by the health care system while organized crime shares none of its windfall. These direct benefits coupled with the relief for police forces due to being unburdened by the pointless enforcement of poorly thought out laws would make our communities much safer and lawful.
I Love this song and the joy expressed in the video.
I found this on a blog I enjoy Alles Schall und Rauch (see the title link)
This reminds me of something I was speaking about with an officer of the VPD this morning at Waves during my protest. We had a wide ranging exchange and I believe were frank and forthright about what was said. To me it is remarkable how similar The UD Society's goals and this officer's are. C is a 23 year vet and is involved in training and wanted some honest feedback as to the word on the street about the VPD.
What I liked most was that he agreed with me that the most consistent way to stay safe whether on an individual level, or world level, is to treat someone as you wish to be treated. I think that he understands very well that the CDSA causes lawlessness and disrespect for the police, making their job harder and less safe.
The creation of our society and our attempt to fulfill the promise contained in our parliamentary remarks via the Marijuana guild and the court of Justice to oversee it, seemed in particular to interest him. I hope for all our sakes more intelligent cops like him get a larger view of things. Thanks for your time and interest C.
This is the summation of my original contribution to science while under the influence of LSD
I only mentioned this because of my belief that for some people there comes a heightened awareness while on Psychedelics. There had been revealed to me while on psychedelics on the protest a very serious security breach which was obvious to me and once I explained it he agreed. Just as it was obvious to myself and others that those signs were a flagrant violation of the laws, unless there is someone with a fresh perspective people can not see the forest for the trees. I gave him the information that came to light in my drug induced mind and it might help save someone's life if taken seriously. I won't mention it here because it is too easy and could easily result in a blow to our complacency and cost lives. All it took for me to realize this was a tiny bit of my favorite awareness enhancing substance. If he is serious about public safety, he will take counter measures I am sure.
I hope you don't think that fear will govern me to do something like this man did to escape being busted. I'll be facked if I will ever submit to goons checking my diet again, Michael De Jong, and if you don't keep them out of my face, I will hold you personally responsible. There are no conditions on me or my former person. Therefore if another goon comes over to Judo chop me without identifying himself as a cop he will be countered effectively.
I will be exercising my right to consume vegetables peacefully and your agents can fack right off.
I'll be facked if I ever submit to your double crossing crooked violent cops again, Canada.
I have much first hand proof of Canada being a criminal organization in regards to its treatment of me. There is no rule of law in Canada.
And in Vancouver here I have also done my duty to my community. They had to pervert the law twice to let this slug of a police chief stay in office. Who really gives a shit if cops are allowed to become Judge, jury and executioner? The sheep mumble once in a while when a video hits them with the hard facts but not many of them care enough to put out an effort to change it. These words can be found in the record of your parliament which recognized me as Chief Justice Bud the Oracle.
This who I am as introduced by Ed Fast at the 17th meeting of the justice committee of the 40th Parliament of Canada:
We also have two individuals representing the Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society, Mr. Robin Wroe and Chief Justice Bud the Oracle.
And this is what we said. We meant every word:
Bud the Oracle (As an Individual): Mr. Chairman, I am Bud the Oracle, chief justice from the Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society.
Peace to this hotel and to the House of Commons justice and human rights committee.
In summary, our society's judgment is that prohibition and your Controlled Drugs and Substances Act are failed policies that trespasses upon the peaceful possessory right that ought to be enjoyed by everyone. Your society's policy does not respect this right. You violently oppress otherwise law-abiding members of your own society. Your corporation's own policy is the organized crime.
In respect of drugs, your government's own policy is what enables the black market to flourish. Absent your corporate policy, regulated companies would supply drugs on a demand-oriented basis, similar to any other product. Your policy has alienated and will continue to alienate men and women from your society and its government.
To flesh out our view, I now turn the proceedings over to the registrar, Mr. Robin Wroe.
Mr. Robin Wroe (Registrar, Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society): I am not mister; I'm just Robin.
Thank you, Chief Justice.
Our position in respect of Bill C-15 and drug prohibition in general is quite simple.
Societies such as yours or ours govern their members by the content of those members. Drug crime is not really crime at all in any necessary sense. It is quasi-crime or crime mala prohibita on a par with an act forbidding the importation of wool and not at all on a par with, for example, that divine precept forbidding murder. I would also like to add that slavery of persons is another thing that I put in much worse regard than the possession of drugs or what not, to refer to Ms. Miller's comment.
But in any case, the rhetoric about drugs singularly destroying lives is fundamentally offensive. There is a wide variety of non-destructive reasons for drug use. Many human beings use drugs because they improve their happiness or quality of life. Other human beings use drugs for production of heightened spiritual, esthetic, and interpersonal experience.
In a commentary on DOB from the book PiHKAL by Dr. Alexander Shulgin, one of the amphetamines to be rescheduled--that's DOB, for example--in a three-milligram dose the experience was described thusly:
“Wunnerful. It's been one heck of a good experiment, and I can't understand why we waited nine years to try this gorgeous stuff. Without going into the cosmic and delicious details, let's just say it's a great material and a good level.”
Why should such a thing be prohibitorially scheduled at all? Everyone has personal tastes. Some run toward automobiles, and automobile users are taken care of by regulation, and there is no reason your society should not, at worst, apply some sort of gradated licensing to drug purchase and dispensation involving training as to the calculated statistical risk involved with drug use. At best, your society would leave each to his own diet and not use blunt corporate policy instruments for dietary control.
Further, repeal of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act will redirect a revenue stream that currently pumps into organized crime. The stream will be diverted by the CDSA's repeal into legitimate, regulated companies subject to human rights law and all the other furnishings of a modern place of employment. Those legitimate companies will use law courts for dispute resolution, not guns.
Repeal of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act will remove a key revenue stream from organized crime. Continuation of the act will sustain a key revenue stream for organized crime.
Harmless men and women do not need to submit to being governed by those who seek to harm them by imprisonment. If membership in a society becomes injurious to happiness, men and women may leave that society and they may form their own society capable of its own legislative acts. Of course, they cannot legislate away gravity, nor may they depart from certain customary behaviours. However, these have little to do with possessing or not possessing any specific plants or substances.
Why should any reasonable marijuana smoker consent to being governed by a society that sustains the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act? Why should he not instead consent to government by a society that respects his peaceful transaction with his chosen supplier? If your society fails to take up the duty of regulating demand-oriented drug suppliers, should some society or societies not fill that void?
We will quote from our summary of Bill C-15, in short, just to include one part that we think is rather important. It highlights the lack of care that has gone into the drafting of Bill C-15.
As to the appending of amphetamine and its analogs to schedule 1 of the act, we wonder why you've included the brominated and chlorinated variance of 2,5 dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine, yet have excluded the diogenated analog 2,5 dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine. This gives us cause to question what principles were involved in the drafting of the proposed appendix to schedule 1.
+ -(0925)
To conclude our statement, prohibition is a failed corporate policy and it causes harm to members of your Canadian society. The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act is the instrument that carves out the market enjoyed by organized crime in respect of drugs. Repeal of that act would also give the benefit of freeing up your scarce judicial resources. Absent repeal, we declare that men and women may constitute their own governments respectful of their right and good custom and be done with you, and that would be a shame, for Canada is a decent idea. It is not, however, a mandatory idea.
This excellent variety of Primo BC Bud is stunningly powerful and electrically enlightening. Over time, with prodigeous use this bud will give you enhanced perception and gold medal creative performance. You too, will be able to spot the fraud!
I have named the bud, reminiscent of Dutch Big bud in aroma and taste, TAZEBLAZE Bud, in honor of the Attorney General of British Columbia having given the order to remove the TASER WARNING signs in all secure areas of the courthouses of this province. If you wish to sample it, I will bring a joint for my 9:30am coffee break at the courthouse protest. Week/court days
It is $30.00 per 1/8 ounce plus 5% Sales tax to the Marijuana Guild.
Did you know that in terms of Anglo-Christian legal heritage, drugs simply cannot be prohibited for free individuals, for the prohibition requires theft, and theft is of injuria, not jus, and the Monarch's power is that of jus, not injuria, for jus and injuria are mutually exclusive. This is all outlined in the Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society's Charter and various Acts of Parliament.
"The king, since he is the vicar of God on earth, must distinguish jus from injuria, equity from iniquity, that all his subjects may live uprightly, none injure another, and by a just award each be restored to that which is his own." Bracton.
"As for the words his right, they mean his merited right, for because of delict or a pact broken or the like one is [de jure] deprived of his right. Or say to each means to him, that he live virtuously, and to God, that he love God, and to his neighbour, that he not harm him. Or say suum jus' means her right, that is, [to each what justice entitles him to]; she is called justice because in her all rights reside." Bracton.
This group of concerned bikers was standing around very quietly being present. Until I came there was no action. The cops and sheriffs were looking bored. Once I began to shout things like "this bell (ring my tiny bell with a cross on it) tolls for Robert Dziekanski, TASERed to death by the RCMP" "This bell tolls for Ian Bush,shot in the back of the head by the RCMP" "This bell tolls for Orion Hutchison, killed by a drunk RCMP" "This bell tolls for Robert Knipstrom bludgeoned and TASERed to death by the RCMP" "This bell tolls for Kevin St. Arneau, shot to death by the RCMP" "This bell tolls for the death of Justice in Canada." the armed gang members always above the law earning a hefty wage were not looking bored.
My presence was felt!
Canadians have been trained to behave and be accepting of all the bullshit the government feeds us and remain nice. I am getting to understand why the press stays away from me like the plague. One guy eloquently smearing their own crap into their faces with a clear strong voice is way more effective than a quiet respectful crowd milling around with signs by a long shot.
There is no way to ignore a biting truth flung at you with a strong clear voice. It enters the psyche and injures the spirit if it has the ring of truth.
The silent milling about is a behavior that speaks to me of a cowed attitude, a well behaving little citizen. Come on you mice open your big mouths. Can't get loud unless you have consumed some courage in the form of alcohol and socially trained to only be loud at sporting events? Good meek, quiet Canadians easily managed by a handful of overweight sheriffs and scared trigger happy mounties looking for a stapler or dangerous sign bearer.
Come on people, if you are pissed off at something why not show it? Speak the fuck up you mealy mouthed complainers.
A reply from the Attorney general's office to my video thanks to the UDS Registrar.
"Thank you for your e-mail of November 23, 2009 addressed to the Attorney General regarding the TASER warning sign posted at the Vancouver Provincial Court house. I have been asked to respond on behalf of the Attorney General.
I appreciate your bringing this issue to the Attorney General’s attention. As a result of the Braidwood Inquiry recommendations, I have directed all sheriff offices to remove the TASER warning signs located in secure areas of British Columbia courthouses.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Maedel Executive Director and Chief Superintendent Sheriff Services Division, Court Services Branch Ministry of Attorney General"
So, maybe take a peek inside to see if the sign is down, though it might take a few days...
So who really gives a crap what the rest of you controlling types think sooner or later you will be giving me the freedom I demand. I am not harming anyone and my state of mind is my choice so you can take a flying fuck and get off my back. One thing is for sure I will not be judged by the likes of anyone who could walk by that ignorant sign for many months and claim to be trained in the law and loftily claiming like that hypocritical Judge who sentenced David Malmo Lavine, to be about the rule of law. Yeah, right you lying violent oppressor supporting fucks!
I will not be submitting to lawless tyrants who pervert justice daily, anytime soon. Especially when I risked my life on the 11th of August to make my community safe, was submitted to assault by the jail guards all so that these perverts, who are busy making my community unsafe while destroying the rule of law, can wear nice clothes. Not by a long shot.
Just letting you know what I think on the record so you can think what you like without a single twinge of guilt. Go get a couple of belts of Scotch in ya, laddy! That should settle the nerves, I know that I am a scary lookin' guy! Grain alcohol will do if you are really nervous and have nothin' else. Not too much though.
Some thoughts posted in Cannabis Culture Forums by the Registrar of the Unincorporated Deuteronomical Society. He is posting as Malaclypse IV
"So that's what you call it eh? Christian-Libertarian...where did you pick up your Christian influences from?"
Well, I've been interested in drug prohibition since I was in gradeschool and a coffee-swilling public educator tried to tell us kids about the evils of "drugs"---well, clearly some drugs are OK, you're drinking coffee...didn't go over too well.
So, fast forward to a couple of years ago. I was taking a mixture of arts courses at The University of British Columbia, including Critical Studies in Sexuality. I mention this course because it taught me that the "left", for lack of a better term, is completely shameless about justifying itself through obfuscation---essentially, say "heteronormativity" is bad, and repeat "performative", "iterated", "queer theory" enough times that people respect you and your vacuity. This led me to believe that I had been far too circumspect in my values and my tactics visavis drug prohibition; if the queers are now at a point where they basically set the script _on their own terms_ in Universities, why should that not be the goal of the drug culture?
As an example, here on these forums there are many drug users who believe in "soberonormativity," at least for children, in that they believe a sober childhood is normal/optimal/better than a high childhood. Now, to my mind, this is more or less the equivalent of trying to teach children to be accepting of queers by telling them "you know, once you're an adult, if you want to be gay, that's one thing, maybe, I guess, but, gosh, try to kiss girls if you're a boy and boys if you're a girl while you're growing up---trust us, we're older and wiser." Yeah, right.
And, totally coincidentally, at this time I was given a bible, and I began to read it. Goodness gracious does it say some hip things---and I'm not going to argue for the truth/falsity of the Scriptures; I will point out that in every courtroom of British Columbia there is a copy, and that I've heard a Judge of the Provincial Court go so far as to say that he would not contradict anything in Scripture.
So, I thought "won't contradict anything in Scripture"? Ah, well then. The charter says, pretty much, that a Court may contradict any charter right insofar as that contradiction facilitates amelioration of the condition of a historically oppressed group, so Charter rights are right out, but what about Scriptural rights, I thought?
Anyway, at this time I was also reading Fortescue's Commendation of the Laws of England which details the rights and responsibilities of the Monarch, who at the time was in exile with Fortefcue. More or less, it says therein that the book of Deuteronomy is especially important to Monarchy, as it is in Deuteronomy that all of God's commandments are most explicitely and totally recounted; that is to say, the entire Scripture is a fountain of lifegiving water, but Deuteronomy is especially instructive for rulers.
I'd also been reading some very good Coke at the time, and Coke says animals are hurtful if single, as bears and foxes, but they are not hurtful if they are social, as sheep, fish, etc. So, from that, I gathered that one is required to have some society, that is, partnership. Thus I set to draughting a charter for a society that would use Deuteronomy, which Fortescue confirms is complete, and which the Lord Chancellor Ellesmere states is part of the foundation of the common law of england by way of his statement that the common law of England's ground is the law of God.
So, it appeared, and still appears to me, that in terms of Anglo-Christian legal heritage, drugs simply cannot be prohibited for free individuals, for the prohibition requires theft, and theft is of injuria, not jus, and the Monarch's power is that of jus, not injuria, for jus and injuria are mutually exclusive. And this is all outlined in the Society's Charter and various Acts of Parliament.
At this point we are "in medias res" the refining/firing of the creation---and what I find most dreadful is the lack of imagination on the part of people. It is very sad to me that I've had more respectful dialogue on this issue with Ed Fast, Conservative MP, than with the people here who supposedly want drugs legalized. In my view, anyone who wants to do something politically helpful should stay the hell away from the Socialists in the NDP and get in with the Conservatives...
"Is that Christian as in the ridiculously distorted from of Christianity the world has known...or the universal teachings of Jesus?"
Well, presuming you're not of the "Jesus is love! Love is a hallmark card!" persuasion,
"36For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
38Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." (from Mark 8)
The project really consists merely in not being ashamed of the Word of God, or holy scripture, especially the ten commandments, or Law called Moral.
"If it's the former, mixing religion and politics is a dangerous habit. I heard it leads to psychosis"
Well, considering that psychosis only exists because psychiatrists have voted it into being, I am just not so sure that anything can lead to psychosis, 'cept a duly authorized Quack being allowed to work out on some precious mind. Even though he's out of fashion, I think Szasz makes a good argument, and, no, I do not think that fancy coloured pictures of brains refute him at all. There is a fundamental epistemic problem associated with the diagnosis of mental illness, especially without the permission of the patient as is often the case for diagnoses of "psychosis." And it is generally self-fulfilling: "we do not need his permission because he is psychotic," and why is he psychotic? "He doesn't want to give us permission. He says we are cryptofascists, members of a monopolistic corporation called the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Clearly we need to pump him full of drugs until he forgets how our scam works..."
Given the responses in this thread and in general to these ideas when brought up in public, a lot of vicious laypeople of slightly above average intelligence (it's odd that less intelligent people and more intelligent people can often get it, tho the former can rarely repeat it coherently, they are good people and know they are free.) are perfectly at ease with labelling the holders of different political opinions with mental health terminology---of course, they're "reasonable persons", which is like a "reasonable man", which is taken to be "the man on the Clapham Omnibus," or someone just like them: a silly worker going to work, knowing all of the things that workers "know." Not someone dedicated to study, wisdom, etc...a mere worker, a bee for the beehive.
Now, we all know that in the Soviet Union they interred people under the guise of mental health problems for political dissent; and it is no surprise to me, for there is always a segment of the population so insecure in its views that they are only able to maintain them by coercive authority.
This might be the 3rd time I have seen the gripping documentary "Staying alive" by the CBC Fifth Estate. It is very close to me in both a physical and an emotional sense. As I go forth today with the White Wolf I will ponder on the first half of it. This documentary is so laden with human hurt that I have never been able to watch it all the way through at once. I know some of these people from seeing them on the street, others I know from a resemblance to people whom I know closely.
Last night the manager made me aware that the authorities are looking for my neighbor, Robert, who has serious mental health issues and is being actively sought. They are concerned, because he is missing with the weather getting cold.
When Robert first moved in I didn't realize that he was so seriously mentally disturbed. I even sold him small amounts of pot until I began to realize that he was incompetent. It has been a very long time since I have sold him anything, though he still asks. He had gotten on into my bad books when he began to talk of violent nonsense whenever we met. He had also begun to bring crack/meth/hard drug addicts by, speaking about what I do openly as he passed .
I mean, really! I don't spend much time worrying at the worst of times (I have 911 on speed dial and the white wolf to give me a few seconds of warning, so I am confident. The last time I relied totally on the cops they ended up siding with the attacker, so this time I will not rely on them) but that got me upset. I told the former manager to get in touch with those concerned about his well being.
He has been missing for lengthy periods before, so I thought perhaps he is in jail or institutionalized. All my former dark thoughts toward him have turned into reflective empathy with a tinge of guilt. I hope he is OK. I think he is harmless to others in a direct way, but incapable of living on his own. If he has been injured, or worse, it is the fault of the same heartless state which always finds the cops innocent.
I noticed on the documentary, shot also in cold weather, that there was a lack of housing to get those who desperately needed it, off the street. Today, only because of the Olympics, not empathy for the plight of the desperate, do we see that the cops have the power to forcibly remove people from the street "For health reasons" What kind of political bullshit is that?
Watching this documentary's first half put me in an emotional turmoil about the injustice of the mental health problems and emotional issues surrounding addictions and substance abuse being exacerbated by the Controlled drug and substances act and political entrenchment of police state tyranny.
I think that today I will take a psychedelic journey in search of my neighbor on several plains of the metaphysical as well as the pragmatic. I will wander with the white wolf and talk to people and gather more social connections, a deeper emotional bonding with my fellow humans. Then I will return to watch the end of "Staying alive" and perhaps writing some more if the mood strikes me.
I hope that you will also have a deeply rewarding day, enhanced with new delightful, friendly and empathetic human connections, a happy widening of experience/understanding. Here is some of the connectivity of life that I believe the internet can be used for.
Robert Dziekanski and Orion Hutchinson are dead at least partially due to this lying sum bag cop. Yeah, he took off from the scene to down two shots of vodka. A cop would know to do that, right? And with the welcoming committee for Robert at the Vancouver Airport we can see the same goon taking offensive action when some talking was necessary. Again we see a corruption of "Justice" on behalf of this menace to peaceful people.
"Following a detailed analysis of the results of a comprehensive police investigation, the Criminal Justice Branch has concluded that no Criminal Code driving-related charged will be laid against Cpl. Robinson," said a statement from the branch.
The officer argued in B.C. Supreme Court in March that a motor vehicles adjudicator didn't properly consider his statement that he left the scene of the collision, had two shots of vodka, and then returned to the scene.
Robinson is scheduled to appear in court Dec. 8 on the obstruction charge.
This is my tribute to Orion done soon after his tragic death touched me. Here is the continuity to why I am out in front of the court house.
Casey Hardison is currently serving a 20 year sentence in the UK for the manufacture of LSD, DMT and 2-CB. Casey defended himself using complex and innovative human rights arguments and continues to challenge the legality of the administration of the Misuse of Drugs Act:
Please don't forget to give to Casey's cause.
The very solid argument belongs to all, was first developed by Casey William Hardison and the legal foundation in search of Justice for Casey: Drug Equality Alliance
These guys at the "DEA" are true activists. Although I may be a recipient (indirectly) of their generosity mostly in 'SITTING IN' on the discussion format, I am honestly astonished at the level of commitment- let me spell that out- unpaid time and effort, that this organization has given to the cause of our freedom.
Remember this spending of a few bucks on your part could pay off in YOU gaining your freedom! Please find their donate button and spend freely. Here is the new battle cry.... Smoke one gram less per week and send $10 to the cause of this wonderful organization or Free Casey cause! No one OVER there is DIRECTLY concerned with Bud the "silly" Oracle, or, Klaus Kaczor and his gang of "demented" men, it is all about getting their wonderful perception of the law in front of a court anywhere in the western world. You too are welcome to contact them and state your case.That, in today's world, is far from the norm.
Bud Oracle
For Official Election Profile click the photo
Why donate to Bud?
I am still carrying on this battle for sanity. I spend much time on the issues, and I hope to bring this case further than just the sentence hearing on September 2. If I can, I will ask to be heard at the Supreme Court level to get a stay in the proceedings on the much same argument I put before the Provincial court (See the bottom of this post.) To this end I hope to be able to raise airfare for an advocate from the Drug Equality Alliance to stand up and present the argument free of charge. The chances are not all that great, but we are working at the documentation to be heard at the Supreme Court level all by our amateur selves. It is our hope that we might get this argument before the courts somewhere in the world to raise the spirits and chances for freedom for Casey William Hardison who is still serving out his 20 year sentence. I don't know about you, but I can't just sit on my ass and dream about the times I used to get high, when this man and so many others are being tormented in prison for their belief in human rights. There is a strong likelihood that I too may be returned to jail at the time of sentencing but whatever it might be is nothing to the amount of time others are doing for supplying you with some nice psychedelic adventures to practice your freedom.
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